I am very excited to let you all know that I teamed up with Favoroute!
Favoroute is a website where you will find unexpected travel guidebooks writing by Travel Designers (travel bloggers, journalists and locals) from around the world and much more.
They’ve selected some of their online guidebooks and made them available in the app store and mine is available now!
I wrote a 9 day Maui guidebook!
Why Maui?
I didn’t want to make a guidebook about London, Berlin, Paris, etc. because I knew a lot of people would write about that. So after my trip to Maui last year I decided to write a guidebook about Maui.
I know that the chance is smaller that people will buy it but I loved writing about it anyway. 🙂
About my Maui guidebook
In my guidebook you will find an itinerary on how to spend 9 days in Maui and discover the whole island.
My guidebook:
Day 1: Arrival.
Day 2: Relax and explore Lahaina.
Day 3: See the sunrise at Haleakala National Park and go on several hikes.
Day 4: Discover Iao Valley State Park and relax at the beach.
Day 5: Road trip: Road to Hana.
Day 6: Discovering the towns Paia and Makawao.
Day 7: Going to Nakalele Blowhole and discover other beaches along the way.
Day 8: Snorkel at Molokini crater and more beaches!
Day 9: Fly back home or just relax some more on the beautiful beaches.
On each day you will find a map with pin points where everything is of that day. I will also give you tips and lots of pictures to enjoy.
I loved doing everything I wrote about and I hope you will too :).
Buy my Maui guidebook
Are you going to Maui or know anyone that is going soon? Then make sure to buy and download my Maui guidebook app on iTunes for €6,99 (you can use the maps offline as well)
Let me know if you downloaded the app and what you think about it 🙂
There will be more guidebooks coming your way in the future.